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Thread Details by threadId only returns a max of 14 items?

When I use the Thread Details by threadId api endpoint and try to query a thread it only seems to return the first 14 comments from that thread. is there a way to ensure that it returns them all instead?

Rapid account: Omergulen
omergulen Commented 일 년 전

Hey Ryan,

Thanks for contacting!

Unfortunately this is a hard limit from the Threads side, it only allows last 14 comments to be fetched.

The only possible way could be to go with reverse-engineered mobile endpoints which would require you to authenticate with user (which is likely to be suspended). Also, it is agains Threads Term of Use, you could face some other legal concerns.

If you want to talk about the limitations and other options feel free to contact me on Twitter please.

Have a good one!

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