
Door omgvamp | Bijgewerkt 24 giorni fa | Entertainment

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Standard sets

Rapid account: Rmangino
8 anni fa

It would be really great if the “info” call included an array of sets that are currently valid in Standard.


Rapid account: Rmangino
rmangino Commented 8 anni fa

Awesome - thank you!

Rapid account: Jim Moyle
JimMoyle Commented 8 anni fa

Thanks omgvamp!

Rapid account: Omgvamp
omgvamp Commented 8 anni fa

Info now returns a list of standard and wild sets.

Rapid account: Jim Moyle
JimMoyle Commented 8 anni fa

Also upvoting this as it would be a nice capability, well done on creating and maintaining this btw.

Rapid account: Efrye 684
Efrye684 Commented 8 anni fa

Upvotig this, seems more comfortable to just check against that instead of having to manually adjust it whenever the next big season hits.

Edit: also one for all Wild sets would be great, because the “Slush”, “Missions”, etc. sets are really in the way for my purposes right now^^;

Rapid account: Omgvamp
omgvamp Commented 8 anni fa

I’ll consider adding this.

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