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GoogleBooks Package

That searches the full text of books and magazines that Google has scanned, converted to text using optical character recognition (OCR), and stored in its digital database.Books are provided either by publishers and authors, through the Google Books Partner Program, or by Google’s library partners, through the Library Project. Additionally, Google has partnered with a number of magazine publishers to digitize their archives.

How to get credentials:

  1. When you create your application, you register it using the Google API Console. Google then provides information you’ll need later, such as a client ID and a client secret.
  2. Activate the GoogleBook API in the Google API Console. (If the API isn’t listed in the API Console, then skip this step.)
  3. When your application needs access to user data, it asks Google for a particular scope of access.
  4. Google displays a consent screen to the user, asking them to authorize your application to request some of their data.
  5. If the user approves, then Google gives your application a short-lived access token.

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Get AccessToken.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client ID.
clientSecret credentials Client secret.
code String Code you received from Google after the user granted access
redirectUri String The same redirect URL as in received Code step.


Get new accessToken by refreshToken.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client ID.
clientSecret credentials Client secret.
refreshToken String A token that you can use to obtain a new access token. Refresh tokens are valid until the user revokes access. Again, this field is only present in this response if you set the access_type parameter to offline in the initial request to Google’s authorization server.


In some cases a user may wish to revoke access given to an application. A user can revoke access by visiting Account Settings. It is also possible for an application to programmatically revoke the access given to it. Programmatic revocation is important in instances where a user unsubscribes or removes an application. In other words, part of the removal process can include an API request to ensure the permissions granted to the application are removed.

Field Type Description
accessToken String The token can be an access token or a refresh token. If the token is an access token and it has a corresponding refresh token, the refresh token will also be revoked.


Retrieves a list of public Bookshelf resource for the specified user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it.
userId String ID of user for whom to retrieve bookshelves.
source String String to identify the originator of this request.


Retrieves a specific Bookshelf resource for the specified user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it.
shelfId String ID of bookshelf to retrieve.
userId String ID of user for whom to retrieve bookshelves.
source String String to identify the originator of this request.


Retrieves a Volume resource based on ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it.
volumeId String ID of volume to retrieve.
partner String Brand results for partner ID.
projection Select Restrict information returned to a set of selected fields.full - Includes all volume data.lite - Includes a subset of fields in volumeInfo and accessInfo.
source String String to identify the originator of this request.


Performs a book search.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it.
searchQuery String Full-text search query string.
download Select Restrict to volumes by download availability.epub - All volumes with epub.
filter Select Filter search results.ebooks - All Google - Google eBook with full volume text viewability. full - Public can view entire volume text. paid-ebooks - Google eBook with a price.partial - Public able to see parts of text.
langRestrict String Restrict results to books with this language code.
libraryRestrict Select Restrict search to this user’s - Restrict to the user’s library, any - Do not restrict based on user’s library.
maxResults Number Maximum number of results to return. Acceptable values are 0 to 40, inclusive.
orderBy Select Sort search results.newest - Most recently published.relevance - Relevance to search terms.
partner String Brand results for partner ID.
projection Select Restrict information returned to a set of selected fields.
showPreorders Select Set to true to show books available for preorder. Defaults to false.
source String String to identify the originator of this request.
startIndex Number Index of the first result to return (starts at 0).


Retrieves volumes in a specific bookshelf for the specified user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it.
shelfId String ID of bookshelf to retrieve.
userId String ID of user for whom to retrieve bookshelves.
maxResults Number Maximum number of results to return.
showPreorders Select Set to true to show books available for preorder. Defaults to false.
source String String to identify the originator of this request.
startIndex Number Index of the first result to return (starts at 0).


Adds a volume to a bookshelf.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it.
shelfId String ID of bookshelf to which to add a volume.
volumeId String ID of volume to add.
source String String to identify the originator of this request.


Removes a volume from a bookshelf.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it.
shelfId String ID of bookshelf to which to add a volume.
source String String to identify the originator of this request.


Retrieves metadata for a specific bookshelf belonging to the authenticated user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it.
shelfId String ID of bookshelf to which to add a volume.
source String String to identify the originator of this request.


Retrieves a list of bookshelves belonging to the authenticated user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token.Use getAccessToken to get it.
source String String to identify the originator of this request.


Moves a volume within a bookshelf.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token.Use getAccessToken to get it.
shelfId String ID of bookshelf to which to add a volume.
volumeId String ID of volume to move.
volumePosition String Position on shelf to move (Only in first position).
source String String to identify the originator of this request.


Removes a volume from a bookshelf.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token.Use getAccessToken to get it.
shelfId String ID of bookshelf to which to add a volume.
volumeId String ID of volume to move.
source String String to identify the originator of this request.


Gets volume information for volumes on a bookshelf.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token.Use getAccessToken to get it.
shelf String The bookshelf ID or name retrieve volumes for.
maxResults Number Maximum number of results to return.
source String String to identify the originator of this request.
projection Select Restrict information returned to a set of selected fields.full - Includes all volume data.lite - Includes a subset of fields in volumeInfo and accessInfo.
searchQuery String Full-text search query string.
showPreorders Select Set to true to show books available for preorder. Defaults to false.
startIndex Number Index of the first result to return (starts at 0).
Volgers: 14
API maker:
Rapid account: Denis Raygorodskij
Denis Raygorodskij
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