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City ​​limits

Rapid account: QUADISAS
hace 2 años

Hello, I am building a form and I need to list all the cities of a country, as shown in the given example. but even paying the premium subscription it only returns 250 cities.

Rapid account: QUADISAS
QUADISAS Commented hace 2 años


Rapid account: QUADISAS
QUADISAS Commented hace 2 años

Hello, my project is a simple form where I must show all the cities of a country, I would appreciate it if you could increase the limit, I’ll be attentive.

Rapid account: Kgkarski
kgkarski Commented hace 2 años


We have increased the response limit to 1000 results for PRO account holders. Please let us know if this works better for you. I’d love to know more about your use case. Maybe there is some other endpoint or interaction we could create. Please let us know if this solves your problem?

Rapid account: Kgkarski
kgkarski Commented hace 2 años

Thanks for reaching out.

Yes, there is a limit placed on the response mainly for performance reasons and prevent returning thousands and thousands of cities for a country. We suggest combining the /city with the prefix query param to narrow down the list and make subsequent requests to the endpoint. Would this work for your use case?

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