Repustate Sentiment and Text Analytics

Door repustate | Bijgewerkt 21 день назад | Social
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Invalid JSON Object: Invalid API key.

Rapid account: Saudiyana
10 лет назад


I tried many times to put the test key but it shows me the following error Invalid JSON Object: Invalid API key.

can you help me to solve this problem

Regards, Mohammad

Rapid account: Saudiyana
saudiyana Commented 10 лет назад

appreciated your help … working fine with me now

Rapid account: Repustate
repustate Commented 10 лет назад

Hi Mohammad,

Which API key are you using?

Rapid account: Saudiyana
saudiyana Commented 10 лет назад

thank you for your replay

I used both

Testing 5uTaTKYxekBTnmO0OY4EHZAkiFAdCsoq
Production WNX2mN8hHlUUr9B04qQp5YSixFUcMoOd

Rapid account: Repustate
repustate Commented 10 лет назад

Those look like Mashape keys. You need a Repustate API key as well, which you can get from

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