Insight Tube

Door romzar | Bijgewerkt 2 месяца назад | Media
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InsightTube Rapid API


Welcome to the InsightTube!

InsightTube allows you to create a custom video player with advanced features for your private/unlisted YouTube videos. This API enables you to configure various settings for your video player, providing a personalized and engaging viewing experience without the “YouTube Appearance”.

Getting Started


To use the InsightTube API, include your API key in the headers of your requests and use Rapid API Auth(auto add the headers):

X-RapidAPI-Key: Your-API-Key

Replace Your-API-Key with the key provided by Rapid API.

Base URL

The base URL for all InsightTube API endpoints is:

Endpoint: POST /api/youtube

Create a new custom video player with the provided parameters.

Request Body

The POST request to create a new custom video player requires the following parameters in the request body:

  "url": "string",
  "autoPlay": "boolean",
  "privacy": "boolean",
  "pixelName": "string",
  "width": "number",
  "borderRadius": "number",
  "borderWidth": "number",
  "borderColor": "string",
  "shadowWidth": "number",
  "shadowColor": "string",
  "liveMode": "boolean",
  "progressBarColor": "string",
  "progressBar": "boolean",
  "progressBarHeight": "number",
  "progressBarControl": "boolean",
  "fakeProgressBar": "boolean",
  "fakeProgressBarTime": "number",
  "actionColor": "string",
  "openScreenURL": "string",
  "pauseScreenURL": "string",
  "endScreenURL": "string",
  "endScreenText": "string",
  "showElementByTime": "string",
  "showTime": "number",
  "fullscreen": "boolean",
  "timer": "boolean",
  "mute": "boolean",
  "buttonType": "number",
  "introText1": "string",
  "introText2": "string"

  • url (string, required):

    • Description: Place your YouTube video URL. Choose between unlisted or public videos. Retention graphs and reports are available only within your YouTube channel for data security.
  • autoPlay (boolean, optional):

    • Description: Activate auto-play to start the video without user interaction. If you want your video to start muted, refer to the “tela de início” section for details.
  • privacy (boolean, optional):

    • Description: Keep the video unlisted on YouTube, avoiding history and metric tracking. Ideal for members-only areas.
  • liveMode (boolean, optional):

    • Description: Add a LIVE tag on right top corner, screen continue watching is disabled. Users cannot pause, fast forward, or rewind the video.
  • mute (boolean, optional):

    • Description: Show the mute butto. Viewer controls become available only after the video starts. On desktop, controls appear on mouseover; on mobile, they are always visible.
  • timer (boolean, optional):

    • Description: Display user progress and video duration (excluding live mode).
  • progressBar (boolean, optional):

    • Description: Customize the progress bar behavior. By default, it starts accelerated, giving the impression of a short video. Choose the Time Bar or allow user control. This option is commonly used in members’ areas and upsells.
  • openScreenURL/endScreenURL/pauseScreenURL (string, optional):

    • Description: Insert links to MP4 videos, not YouTube. Start your MP4 video muted until the viewer clicks Play. Host your video on a service like Imgur and provide the link.
  • showTime (number, optional):

    • Description: Set the time at which the specified showElementByTime (HTML element) will be displayed during the video playback.
  • showElementByTime (string, optional):

    • Description: Hide page elements using comma-separated CSS selectors. Use “#” to hide an area by ID or “.” to hide a block with a specific CSS class. The element appears at the right moment in your video and remains visible for remarketing.
  • buttonType (number, optional):

    • Description: Choose the button type for the player interface.
      • 0: A play icon button
      • 1: An image with introText1 and introText2
      • 2: No button
  • PixelName (string, optional):

    • Description: If Facebook, Google Ads + Analytics, Taboola, Outbrains, TikTok, and Kwai pixels are installed on your pages, we will send markers for users who watched the video at 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%, and Call to Action (CTA). Use these event names for more effective remarketing campaigns:

    • Facebook Ads:

      fbq('trackCustom', 'insight-tube', {percentage: '25'});
      // or your CTA: fbq('trackCustom', 'insight-tube', {cta: '1'});
    • Google Ads + Analytics:

      gtag('event','insight-tube', { "percentage":"25" });
      // or your CTA: gtag('event','insight-tube', { "cta":"1" });
    • Taboola:

      _tfa.push({notify: 'event', name: 'insight-tube', id: 25});
      // or your CTA: _tfa.push({notify: 'event', name: 'insight-tube-cta', id: 1});
    • Outbrains:

      obApi('track', 'insight-tube-25');
      // or your CTA: obApi('track', 'insight-tube-cta');
    • TikTok:

      ttq.track('ViewContent', {content_name: 'insight-tube', value: 25});
      // or your CTA: ttq.track('ViewContent', {content_name: 'insight-tube-cta', value: 1});
    • Kwai:

      kwaiq.track("contentView", { content_name: "insight-tube", value: 25 });
      // or your CTA: kwaiq.track("contentView", { content_name: "insight-tube-cta", value: 1 });


  • Success:

      "success": true,
      "data": {
        "url": "string",
        "iframe": "string"
  • Error:

      "success": false,
      "error": "string"


Example Use Case

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'X-RapidAPI-Key: YOUR_RAPID_API_KEY \
  --data '{
  "url": "",
  "autoPlay": true,
  "privacy": false,
  "pixelName": "YOUR_PIXEL_NAME",
  "borderRadius": 20,
  "borderWidth": 5,
  "borderColor": "#3d3d3d",
  "shadowWidth": 15,
  "shadowColor": "red",
  "liveMode": false,
  "progressBarColor": "red",
  "progressBar": true,
  "progressBarHeight": 20,
  "progressBarControl": true,
  "fakeProgressBar": false,
  "fakeProgressBarTime": 5000,
  "actionColor": "#ff0000",
  "endScreenText": "Thanks for watching!",
  "showElementByTime": "elementID",
  "showTime": 10,
  "fullscreen": true,
  "timer": true,
  "mute": true,
  "buttonType": 1,
  "introText1": "Welcome to InsightTube!",
  "introText2": "Enhance your video experience."

Error Handling

The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. Check the success field or http status in the response to determine the status of the request.


If you have any questions or issues, please contact our support team at [].


The current version of the InsightTube API is 1.0. Check the documentation for any updates or changes.

Volgers: 1
API maker:
Rapid account: Romzar
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