Instagram Bulk Profile Scrapper

Door Social Api | Bijgewerkt 23 days ago | Social

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Followers returns duplications

Rapid account: Pavel Yevchenko

Good day, I’m using followers by username API method and it returns me duplicates in every batch. As results for account with 600+ followers I receive only 400-500. Can it be fixed please?

Best regards.

Rapid account: Thekirtan
thekirtan Commented 2년 전

But I know the issue, So I am going work on another solution, so please allow me two days time to Implement that solution.

Also you can write me on Skype for quicker conversation

Rapid account: Thekirtan
thekirtan Commented 2년 전

Hi, Sorry for the delay. Somehow I missed your reply.

I offered Webhook solution as this needed to scrap followers in one round, but that still require to send multiple request to instagram, so In that case plan request rate-limit calculation will be wrong.

Rapid account: Pavel Yevchenko
pavel.yevchenko Commented 2년 전

That’s interesting, we should discuss it but first of all could you make your current API work right? As right now it doesn’t return all followers in neither username not PK mode. It returns about 400-500 out of 600+ followers due to duplications.

Rapid account: Thekirtan
thekirtan Commented 2년 전

I can create another API with webhook method, meaning all followers will be fetched in a single request and you will get webhook in part. e.g if followers are 600 then you will recieve 6 webhook request with 100 profiles batch

please send me personal message if you are interested

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