Optimal Buying Suggestions

Door Sky Blazer | Bijgewerkt 2 months ago | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
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ML models have the ability to predict demand. However, a step further would be to generate actionable insights from this demand forecast. The context for this API is the supply chain domain. Given a demand forecast for certain articles, it will be able to suggest optimal buying suggestions based on some constraints. This is a specific version of the API. We can always customize the constraints!


Suppose it is a supply planning problem where we need to decide on the optimal buying suggestion. We cannot order too much , neither too less. The orders should not be too close to each other so as to maximize buying in bulk.

Say the demand for 5 weeks is [100,100,100,100,100]. One buying suggestion is buy 500 articles on week 0. What if we buy too much? Worse, what if we buy too less?

This API will assist buyers on the optimal order quantity based on the problemโ€™s specific constraints.

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Rapid account: Sky Blazer
Sky Blazer
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