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Booking API Tutorial

Consuming API

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RapidAPI is the world’s largest API hub where over three million developers find, test, and connect to thousands of APIs — all with a single account and API key.

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RapidAPI Consumer Quick Start Guide
FAQs - RapidAPI Hub

This api is free?
Yes. But there are limits on requests per month.

I need other limits or a tariff plan

How to use Booking API?

0. Get the possible values

1. Search locations or hotels by name

Find the required location upon request.

Endpoint: @Search locations /v1/hotels/locations


    "name": "London",
    "rtl": 0,
    "timezone": "Europe/London",
    "dest_type": "city",
    "landmark_type": -1,
    "lc": "en",
    "city_name": "London",
    "city_ufi": null,
    "dest_id": "-2601889",
    "cc1": "gb",
    "country": "United Kingdom",
    "label": "London, Greater London, United Kingdom",
    "image_url": "",
    "longitude": -0.127634,
    "latitude": 51.507391,
    "region": "Greater London",
    "nr_hotels": 14510,
    "hotels": 14510,
    "type": "ci"
    "landmark_type": -1,
    "lc": "en",
    "rtl": 0,
    "name": "Central London",
    "dest_type": "district",

Comparable to:
Search locations
Search locations hotels

2. Search hotels

Get available hotels by the filter. Indicate the destination_id and dest_type from @Search locations, check-in and check-out date, number of adults and children.

For accessible special filters, use: @Filters for search /v1/hotels/search-filters

Endpoint: @Search hotels v1/hotels/search

Use page_number to paginate and navigate through the result pages


  "result": [
      "id": "property_card_791664",
      "hotel_name": "Cheval Thorney Court at Hyde Park",
      "class_is_estimated": 0,
      "hotel_has_vb_boost": 0,
      "district": "Kensington and Chelsea",
      "cant_book": null,
      "distance_to_cc": "4.00",
      "mobile_discount_percentage": 0,
      "is_mobile_deal": 0,
      "is_free_cancellable": 0,
      "countrycode": "gb",
      "latitude": 51.5011118011927,
      "districts": "1545,29,44,333,2280",
      "city_name_en": "London",
      "min_total_price": 379.24,
      "hotel_id": 791664,

Comparable to:
Search hotels

3. Get all information about hotels and reservations

You got a hotel_id. Use it for full hotel information.

Use points:
@Hotel on the map
@Questions about the hotel
@Hotel children policy
@Reviews of the hotel
@Photos of the hotel
@Payment features of the hotel
@Tips of the hotel
@Location highlights of the hotel
@Room list of the hotel
@Facilities of the hotel
@Review scores of the hotel
@Reviews metadata of the hotel
@Nearby places of the hotel
@Description of the hotel
@Policies of the hotel


How to search for the nearest hotels in the coordinates?

Use Endpoint: @Search hotels by coordinates v1/hotels/search-by-coordinates

Can you please let me know if booking api provide online hotel booking and cancelation features

You can find the hotel and room, then get a link to complete your booking on the booking site.


Filter by currency does not work, why are prices in a different currency?

Prices and filter are always in the currency of the hotel. Those. if the main payment in the country is in euros, then the price will be in euros. It has always been that way.