Pinnacle Odds

Door Tipsters CO | Bijgewerkt 3 days ago | Sports

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Soccer Closing Odds

Rapid account: Byrney 18
a month ago

How would you get most accurate closing odds for a soccer match using your API? Would it be to pull all the pre-match odds and then the first live odds of the match? I am new to using an API feed, so apologies if the question is basic. Thanks!

Rapid account: Antony 12301
antony12301 Commented a day ago

I did not get how it works. I canโ€™t see any historical odd in @/kit/v1/details for the event that finished

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented a month ago

Hi. You need to try the api.
Use the detail endpoint to get a story of odds.
@/kit/v1/details endpoint

Regards. Tipsters.

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