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Searching just by specific trail or park does not seem to be working

Rapid account: Automatic 365
il y a 8 ans

When I search with only the parameter of q[activities_activity_name_cont], it returns all of the trails in the database, not just the specific park I sent the request for.

I have tried that endpoint in my app, in Postman, and on this site. The result seems to be the same.

Rapid account: Trailapi
trailapi Commented il y a 7 ans

I looked into this and unfortunately we canโ€™t promise a fix for this in the near future due to resource constraints.

Rapid account: Calliebensel
calliebensel Commented il y a 7 ans

I have spent hours trying to get one specific request back as well and it does not seem to work. Is this something that we can expect to be fixed in the near future?

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