OpenAPI 1.2

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400 Bad Request when requesting routes, stops, or arrival times and limiting by agency

Rapid account: Shyamu
il y a 9 ans

Service is returning a 400 error with message “Specify valid agencies to access this resource.” I am trying to access routes, stops and arrival times and limiting by agency.

This started happening last night.

Some URLs…

Rapid account: Transloc
transloc Commented il y a 9 ans

@awbauer: Can you verify that it’s working now? If it is not, please re-open this ticket.

Rapid account: Awbauer
awbauer Commented il y a 9 ans

This has cropped back up. Callback workaround no longer works.

Rapid account: Transloc
transloc Commented il y a 9 ans

Looks like Mashape has resolved the issue. I think we are good now.

Rapid account: Emajewicz
emajewicz Commented il y a 9 ans

awbauer thank you for the workaround! This is a good temporary solution.

Rapid account: Transloc
transloc Commented il y a 9 ans

Hi all,
Mashape is acting strange as it doubles up the HTTP get parameters, For example, we are receiving requests like this all over the place:


Apparently the original user only queried for this:


and this caused a parsing error for requests.

We will be getting in touch with Mashape to resolve this ASAP. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Rapid account: Awbauer
awbauer Commented il y a 9 ans

Although – bizarrely – it doesn’t seem to add a callback.

Rapid account: Awbauer
awbauer Commented il y a 9 ans

Seeing the same error here; very frustrating. The requests do seem to come back okay when the callback parameter is added.

Andrew Bauer

UI Developer, Boston University

Rapid account: Emajewicz
emajewicz Commented il y a 9 ans

Can we get an update on if someone is working on this?

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