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Door ugoBoy | Bijgewerkt vor 12 Tagen | Social

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Endpoint does not exist {'message': "Endpoint '/smvd/get/all' does not exist"}

Rapid account: Iibrahimj 2001
vor 3 Monaten

The API works fine when I use it locally, but after deployment, I get this message:

{‘message’: “Endpoint ‘/smvd/get/all’ does not exist”}

How can I fix this?

Rapid account: Ugo Boy
ugoBoy Commented vor 3 Monaten

i looks like you’re using the v2 api key locally and using the v1 api key on your server. if so, update the server api key to v2(the one you’re using locally).

if it doesn’t work, try changing the endpoint to ‘

Rapid account: Iibrahimj 2001
iibrahimj2001 Commented vor 3 Monaten

When running my Flask server locally, everything works fine. However, upon deployment, I encounter one of two errors intermittently:
Error 1:
{‘message’: “Endpoint ‘/smvd/get/all’ does not exist”}

or sometimes i get the following response:
Error 2:
[Wed Mar 27 11:42:31.347112 2024] [wsgi:error] [pid 1308972:tid 140678155724352] [client] {‘success’: False, ‘src_url’: ‘’, ‘message’: ‘video is unavailable, err(Unexpected end of JSON input)’, ‘timeTaken’: ‘4812ms’, ‘r_id’: ‘KCqlOGvjoRjRsSxHOKIiapwYe’}

I am using the following Tiktok link:

Python code to send request:
endpoint = ""
querystring = {“url”: url}
headers = {
“X-RapidAPI-Key”: my_api_key,
“X-RapidAPI-Host”: “
response = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers, params=querystring)

Rapid account: Ugo Boy
ugoBoy Commented vor 3 Monaten

Did you pass all the required parameters?
Make sure you created an app for v2 in the api’s rapidapi page and copy the code example for running it with your preferred programming language.
Can you show me how you’re making the request?

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