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added_at, deleted_at in the search response

Rapid account: Ravdyo
hace 8 años

Looks like to get date_added, date_expired, i can only use New, Deleted and Expiring requests.
Is there any way to get these dates from the Search and Details responses fro the programs which are not in New, Deleted and Expired lists?

Thanks for the clarification, I tried the search for ‘indiiana johnes’ and i see the date added at the end of the array, did you populated them just recently?
I downloaded all the items on March 4, and I don’t have any single date added populated.

Here is this particular movie populated on March 4:
[“60011649”, “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark”, “”, “When Indiana Jones is hired by the government to locate the legendary Ark of the Covenant, he finds himself up against the entire Nazi regime.”, “60011649”, “4.288084”, “movie”, “1981”, “1h55m”, “”, “”]

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented hace 8 años

Global date added is part of the default search results.



     "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark",


     "When Indiana Jones is hired by the government to locate the legendary Ark of the Covenant, he finds himself up against the entire Nazi regime.",







     "2015-09-01" <-GLOBALLY NEW DATE


Expiry dates are country specific, so will not show up in the standard search as they are different for every country. You can get these with the ‘Expiring Per Country’

Deleted Items do not show up in the search so are not relevant, these can only be obtained with the Deleted Item Searches…

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