Rapid account: MorfranTechnology

MorfranTechnology / MorfranTechnology

Morfran Technology is a leading technology company at the forefront of the digital revolution, specializing in Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing. Established with a vision to transform ind


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We apologize for the inconvenience you encountered. We recently upgraded our backend application to .NET Core 8.0 with the aim of improving performance and efficiency. However, during our testing, we did not notice any significant differences. Upon receiving your feedback, we promptly reverted back to the original version with the capital first letter format. The issue arose due to the default settings of .NET Core. In .NET Core and ASP.NET Core applications, the JSON serialization process typically converts property names to camelCase format. This convention, where the first letter is lowercase and subsequent concatenated words begin with an uppercase letter, is commonly used in JavaScript and JSON standards. ASP.NET Core's default settings adhere to this convention. Since .NET Core 3.0, ASP.NET Core has adopted System.Text.Json as the default JSON serializer. System.Text.Json's default behavior is to serialize property names in camelCase. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We are always available to provide support whenever you need it. mar 10:42 2/4/24
We have sent the required information in response to your email. The Privacy Policy page can be found on the link below; [https://morfran.com/privacypolicy](https://morfran.com/privacypolicy) Thank you for getting in touch. mar 10:44 20/2/24
Thank you for notifying us about the technical issue with our services. Our team is currently working to find a suitable solution soon. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the file format incompatibility. Best regards Morfran Technology gio 12:07 11/1/24
Morfran Technology values your privacy. We do not use your data without your permission. We keep your data for only 5 minutes to process your request, then it is securely deleted. Our website's Terms & Conditions have been updated for your assurance. Thank you for sharing your concerns. Best regards, Morfran Technology mer 10:08 13/12/23
Whether images created with face swap applications are suitable for commercial use depends on several factors: Copyright and Intellectual Property: If the image includes the face of a person who is protected under copyright law, using the image for commercial purposes without their permission could constitute a copyright infringement. Data Protection and Privacy: In some countries, images containing individuals' faces are considered personal data. Unauthorized use of such data can violate privacy and data protection laws. Terms of Use of the Application: The terms of use of the face swap application itself are also important. Some applications may not allow commercial use of the content produced, or may impose restrictions. Ethical Considerations: The ethical use of face swap technology should also be considered. Using people's faces without their permission may not be ethical. In general, it is important to be cautious from a legal and ethical standpoint before using face swap images for commercial purposes. Obtaining the necessary permissions and complying with local laws is advisable. In any case, consulting a legal professional is the best course of action. lun 10:13 4/12/23
I appreciate your interest in exploring the possibilities of Face Swap API. For instance, if you're curious to see what it would look like if Ryan Gosling were portrayed as Superman, you might find these links useful: For the target image, you can view it here: https://t0.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcT2xYTv3ig7zGLvs0ABliV1ZMWG-0waOX_P6nd03SJnDLVoTiSnvuCMJ-dNpQhhYXTC And for the source image, it's available at this link: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTQzMjkwNTQ2OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTQ4MTQ4MTE@._V1_.jpg The result of this interesting faceswap can be viewed here: https://cdn.morfran.com/ApiMorfran/Faceswap/MorfranFaceswap_2023_11_09_01_00_08_7227585.png Please let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with or if you have any more creative ideas you'd like to explore! mar 6:50 14/11/23