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"id" field

Rapid account: Lufinkey
vor 6 Jahren

What is the significance of the โ€œidโ€ field? Is it for another endpoint you are planning, or is it for another Movie/TV show database API?

Rapid account: Jrowe 606
jrowe606 Commented vor 4 Jahren

how do I get an id number

Rapid account: Utelly
utelly Commented vor 6 Jahren

Hi there,

So the id fields are associated with the location, i.e. Netflix or Amazon, or the show, i.e. Bojack. These ids do in fact relate to other API endpoints we have as part of our commercially available search and recommendation platform. However, the reason we incorporated them into the response was for use-cases whereby it is useful to have UUID, for example if the data is used to populate a DB.

With regards to enhancing what is available as part of this lite-version, it would be great to hear about how youโ€™re using the API currently and what enhancements would be the most beneficial. If you have the time it would be great if you could complete this online survey - https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NewUsersUtellyAPI

Kind regards,

Utelly Support

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