
Door Vibhu Goel | Bijgewerkt hace 3 meses | Text Analysis

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larger price solution

Rapid account: Maynpsy 1234
hace 4 meses

we will use your paraphrase API. Is there any larger solution available? I saw a monthly limit of 750,000 characters. Will an error be reported if the limit is exceeded in a month? Can I increase the number of characters in a month? Because we expect a lot of characters to be used in a month.
In addition, can the number of concurrency be increased?
The rephrase_tone field you provided contains two fields: simple and formal, right? Because we donโ€™t see the options for changing the field type in our document.

Rapid account: Vibhugoel 001
vibhugoel001 Commented hace 4 meses

We can create a custom plan for you with no character limit and increased concurrent hits. Please DM me the the details on how many request/month do you expect and I can setup the custom plan for you.
Also I have updated the doc with different rephrase_tone values. If the rephrase_tone is not given then we take the inherent tone from input_text

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