Hummingbird v1

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Library info of single anime

Rapid account: Wietsedev
il y a 10 ans

If I have an app with a details page I want to show the anime information, but also the library info (like status and watched episodes). I can get the anime info with /anime/id, but to get the library info I have to use /users/id/library which contains too much useless information (other series). Checking this every time causes too much traffic (and loading time for the user). Could you add the library stats to /anime/id?

Rapid account: Halvkant
halvkant Commented il y a 10 ans


Rapid account: Halvkant
halvkant Commented il y a 10 ans

Along with my suggested change of names for libraries/anime_id (see issue#6) to /users/id/library/anime_id a GET request would solve this issue as well. Meaning a GET to /users/id/library for the entire library and to /users/id/library/anime_id for a single library entry.

Adding library stats to anime/id would be confusing as only information about the anime in question is expected at that request.

Rapid account: Wietsedev
wietsedev Commented il y a 10 ans

I just found out this isnโ€™t needed. You can use /libraries/anime_id and just donโ€™t send any parameters to change stuff.

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