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{"message":"This endpoint is disabled for your subscription"}

Rapid account: Tabassumashfaqabbasi
לפני שנה

Not working can anyone help

Rapid account: Weatherapi
weatherapi Commented לפני שנה

Yes, Free plan offers 3 day weather forecast. Please use Forecast API method and not Future.

Rapid account: Chrishome 4597 Dl XENF 9 Rmqq
chrishome4597-dlXENF9Rmqq Commented לפני שנה

I thought the free plan offers a 3 day forecast? the Developer offers 4 days and the starter offers 7 days?

Rapid account: Weatherapi
weatherapi Commented לפני שנה

Future API only works for date in the future and not in the past.

Rapid account: Lelandplusplus
lelandplusplus Commented לפני שנה

Not working for me either and I’m looking in the past:

import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(“”)

headers = {
‘X-RapidAPI-Key’: “XXXXXX”,
‘X-RapidAPI-Host’: “

conn.request(“GET”, “/future.json?q=London&dt=2022-12-25”, headers=headers)

res = conn.getresponse()
data =


Here’s the response body:

message:“This endpoint is disabled for your subscription”

And here’s the header:

“access-control-allow-credentials”: “true”,
“access-control-allow-origin”: “*”,
“access-control-expose-headers”: “x-ratelimit-limit, x-ratelimit-remaining, x-ratelimit-reset, access-control-allow-origin, accept-ranges, age, allow, cache-control, connection, content-encoding, content-language, content-length, content-location, content-md5, content-disposition, content-range, content-type, date, etag, expires, last-modified, link, location, p3p, pragma, proxy-authenticate, refresh, retry-after, server, set-cookie, status, strict-transport-security, trailer, transfer-encoding, upgrade, vary, via, warning, www-authenticate, x-frame-options, public-key-pins, x-xss-protection, content-security-policy, x-content-security-policy, x-webkit-csp, x-content-type-options, x-powered-by, x-ua-compatible, X-RateLimit-Requests-Limit, X-RateLimit-Requests-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Requests-Reset, x-rapidapi-region, x-rapidapi-proxy-response, x-rapidapi-version, access-control-allow-credentials, access-control-expose-headers”,
“content-type”: “application/json”,
“date”: “Wed, 08 Feb 2023 19:43:19 GMT”,
“server”: “RapidAPI-1.2.8”,
“x-rapidapi-proxy-response”: “true”,
“x-rapidapi-region”: “AWS - us-west-2”,
“x-rapidapi-version”: “1.2.8”

Rapid account: Weatherapi
weatherapi Commented לפני שנה

Future endpoint is available only for Mega plan users.

Rapid account: Weatherapi
weatherapi Commented לפני שנה

Are you trying to use Future API?

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