Crunchbase Company Data

Door William Barber | Bijgewerkt a month ago | Business

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Returning records that are not in crunchbase

Rapid account: Fdjordan
2 years ago

Why does it return results that are not in crunchbase? You can search a domain that doesn’t have a crunchbase listing and it often returns a 200, with a brief result and description.

The create date shown on these is after the last database update?

I’d like to only return results that are in the last scraped database. Also, is it possible to return a link to the crunchbase listing?

Are the hs_object_id and hs_modified_date referencing hubspot data?


Rapid account: Fdjordan
fdjordan Commented 2 years ago

Great, thank you. It’s working as expected.

Rapid account: Williambarberjr
williambarberjr Commented 2 years ago

I believe this issue is fixed. Tried a few domains that aren’t on crunchbase and I now get no results, and I’ve removed non-crunchbase data.

Rapid account: Williambarberjr
williambarberjr Commented 2 years ago

I can make that change, my apologies, I hadn’t tested with examples that weren’t in the database.

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