Subtitles for YouTube

Door yashagarwal | Bijgewerkt il y a un mois | Data

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Returned body is not in the right format

Rapid account: Robertowinzig
il y a 2 ans

Hello, I wanted to print the returned body in c# HttpClient to read the downloaded subtitles but for some videos it appears to write the whole sub track in the first index. Is this a bug?

videoId = TWTfhyvzTx0

Thanks in advance.

Rapid account: Yashagarwal
yashagarwal Commented il y a 2 ans

Have fixed the issue. Let me know if you still see any other issues

Rapid account: Yashagarwal
yashagarwal Commented il y a 2 ans

Will get back to you in next 24 hrs

Rapid account: Yashagarwal
yashagarwal Commented il y a 2 ans

Checking again

Rapid account: Robertowinzig
robertowinzig Commented il y a 2 ans

Checking again with that and other videos, still broken ๐Ÿ˜•
Also tried downloading SRT, since I was doing it in JSON, but no luck.

Edit: Let me double check, suscribed to basic just to test. Seems to work in this site but not on the test app.

Edit 2: So, it appears the problem is with videos with english subs with codes en,en-US,en-GB. It works properly with any other language or even translations.

Rapid account: Yashagarwal
yashagarwal Commented il y a 2 ans

Looks like some starnge issue with YouTube APIs that I use internally.
Have fixed the issue for this video.

Rapid account: Yashagarwal
yashagarwal Commented il y a 2 ans

Checking this

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