Yawin Calculator

Door Yawin Tutor | Bijgewerkt 2 months ago | Finance

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Yawin Calculator

API for Financial Calculator - Mortgage, Reverse Mortgage, EMI, PreEMI, Loan, Retirement, Fixed Deposit, Monthly Income, Recrring Deposit
Mortgage, EMI, Loan, Retirement, and other financial products can be integrated into WordPress, your website, or your app. Mortgage Calculator, Home Loan Calculator, Personal Loan Calculator, Car Loan Calculator, Retirement Calculator, Fixed Deposit Calculator, Recrring Deposit Calculator, Monthly Payout Calculator, PreEMI Vs FullEMI Calculator, EMI Planner, Advance Payment Planner / Part Payment Planner.

The following apis are supported.

1. Fixed Deposit (FD) Calculator
2. Fixed Deposit (FD) with Monthly Payment Calculator
3. Recurring Deposit (RD) Calculator
4. Mortgage / EMI Calculator
5. Loan Amount Calculator
6. Loan Period Calculator
7. Reverse Mortgage Calculator
8. Retirement Calculator
9. Pre EMI vs Full EMI Calculator

1. Fixed Deposit (FD) Calculator

Type Restfull Webservice. Format JSON HTTP Type POST

Mr. Yawin has a 1000 dollar surplus. He wants to put his money in a secure investing mode for the next 5 years. He went up to a bank manager and asked for help. He devised a 60-month fixed deposit arrangement with a 10 percent yearly interest rate. What will Mr. Yawin’s maturity amount be after 5 years? What is the total interest, after-tax amount, money value after inflation, fixed deposit schedules, return on investment, and so on?

2. Fixed Deposit (FD) with Monthly Payment Calculator

Type Restfull Webservice. Format JSON HTTP Type POST

Mr. Yawin has a 1000 dollar surplus. He wants to put his money in a secure investing mode and want to get fixed monthly payment for the next 5 years. He went up to a bank manager and asked for help. He devised a 60-month Monthly Income Scheme arrangement with a 10 percent yearly interest rate. What will Mr. Yawin’s monthly payment amount? What is the total interest, fixed deposit schedules, return on investment, and so on?

3. Recurring Deposit (RD) Calculator

Type Restfull Webservice. Format JSON HTTP Type POST

After 5 years, Mr. Yawin decided to purchase a vehicle. Every month, he aimed to save $100. He intends to save for the next five years in a secure investment mode. He went up to a bank manager and asked for help. He devised a 60-month recurring deposit arrangement with a 10 percent yearly interest rate. What will Mr. Yawin’s maturity amount be after 5 years? What is the entire interest, after-tax amount, money value after inflation, recurring deposit schedules, return on investment, and so on?

4. Mortgage / EMI Calculator

Type Restfull Webservice. Format JSON HTTP Type POST

Mr. Yawin made the decision to spend $10,000 on furniture. He intended to borrow money from a bank and repay it in monthly instalments (EMI). He went up to a bank manager and asked for help. He provided a loan and set up a 60-month repayment plan with low monthly payments (EMI). What is the monthly EMI amount that Mr. Yawin will pay? What are the total EMIs, total interest, EMI percentages, Interest percentages, and so on?

5. Loan Amount Calculator

Type Restfull Webservice Format JSON HTTP Type POST

Mr. Yawin made the decision to refurbish his home. He intended to borrow money from a bank and repay it in monthly instalments (EMI). He is willing to pay $100 per month for the next 60 months. He went up to a bank manager and asked for help. He provided a loan and set up a 60-month repayment plan with low monthly payments (EMI). How much money did Mr. Yawin receive to refurbish his home? What is the monthly EMI amount that Mr. Yawin will pay? What are the total EMIs, total interest, EMI percentages, Interest percentages, and so on?

6. Loan Period Calculator

Type Restfull Webservice Format JSON HTTP Type POST

Mr. Yawin chose to invest $10,000 on renovations to his home. He intended to borrow money from a bank and repay it in monthly instalments (EMI). He is willing to pay between $100 and $200 every month. He’s curious as to how long he’ll have to pay the EMI. He went up to a bank manager and asked for help. He made a loan and arranged for it to be repaid with a 10% annual interest rate and monthly instalments (EMI). How long will Mr. Yawin take to repay the loan? What is the monthly EMI amount that Mr. Yawin will pay? What are the total EMIs, total interest, EMI percentages, Interest percentages, and so on?

7. Reverse Mortgage Calculator

Type Restfull Webservice Format JSON HTTP Type POST

Mr. Yawin has his own residence. He left the company when he was 60 years old. He doesn’t have any other means of support. He wants to reverse mortgage his home and use the proceeds as a pension for the rest of his life. He intended to keep the money until he was 80 years old. He went up to a bank manager and asked for help. For his home, he offered the option of a reverse mortgage. Now, for the next 20 years, Bank has promised to pay a fixed amount for his expenses. How much money does Mr. Yawin get every month? What is the house’s reverse mortgage value, current mortgage value, interest, interest rate, payment schedule, and so on?

8. Retirement Calculator

Type Restfull Webservice Format JSON HTTP Type POST

9. Pre EMI vs Full EMI Calculator

Type Restfull Webservice Format JSON HTTP Type POST