
Door Yunus Emre Çatalçam | Bijgewerkt 2 months ago | Social
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How to do pagination?

Rapid account: Pw 1179
3 years ago

Hi! I noticed that the maximum returns of a single request is 1000 tweets. I’m wondering if there’s a way to exceed this limit or do pagination during the requesting process?

Thank you very much.

Rapid account: Yunusemrecatalcam J Pcmo 1 Ye 6
yunusemrecatalcam-jPcmo1ye6 Commented 3 years ago

Hello, thanks for that feedback I really appreciate it!
Currently there’s no pagination feature but I can make that 1000 tweet limit parametric, so you can fetch more tweets.

Just to get an idea about it, how many tweets you wanna fetch with a keyword, generally?
So I can have an idea of it,


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