
Door yy10112001 | Bijgewerkt 12 days ago | eCommerce

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API Not Responding

Rapid account: Lylemann 3
2 years ago

It appears the api is no longer responding to calls? Is anyone else seeing this.

Rapid account: Uwnnkr 66
uwnnkr66 Commented 8 months ago

same errors occurs.

Rapid account: Mrjiaqi 1204
mrjiaqi1204 Commented 9 months ago

Hello, your API now returns 400. can you fix it?
Consider buying your product

“error”: “ReadMapCB: expect { or n, but found [, error found in #10 byte of …|“errors”:[{“status”😐…, bigger context …|{“errors”:[{“status”:401,“message”:“Unauthorized”}]}|…”

Rapid account: Yy 10112001
yy10112001 Commented 2 years ago

It should work now. Please give it a try.
Again.Sorry for the inconvenience.

Rapid account: Yy 10112001
yy10112001 Commented 2 years ago

yes. I am deploying on my backup server.

Rapid account: Lylemann 3
lylemann3 Commented 2 years ago

Is this related to AWS outage today?

Rapid account: Yy 10112001
yy10112001 Commented 2 years ago

all servers of the vps provider were down.
I am trying to contact them to fix this problem.
sorry for the inconvenience

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