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Microsoft Azure

Bing Video Search
An AI service from Microsoft Azure that turns any app into a video search resource.
By Microsoft Azure
Updated 3 weeks ago
Bing News Search
An AI service from Microsoft Azure that turns any app into a news search resource.
By Microsoft Azure
Updated 3 weeks ago
Bing Web Search
An AI service from Microsoft Azure that enables safe, ad-free, location-aware search for your users, surfacing relevant information from web results, images, local businesses, news, videos, and visuals.
By Microsoft Azure
Updated 3 weeks ago
Bing Autosuggest
An AI service from Microsoft Azure that helps users complete queries faster by adding intelligent type-ahead capabilities.
By Microsoft Azure
Updated 3 weeks ago
Bing Entity Search
An AI service from Microsoft Azure that recognizes and classifies named entities, and finds search results based on them.
By Microsoft Azure
Updated 3 weeks ago
Microsoft Translator Text
An AI service from Microsoft Azure that enables you to easily conduct real-time text translation.
By Microsoft Azure
Updated 3 weeks ago
Bing Spell Check
An AI service from Microsoft Azure that turns any app into a spell check resource.
By Microsoft Azure
Updated 3 weeks ago
Microsoft Text Analytics
An AI service from Microsoft Azure that enables you to unlock insights from natural language text using sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, language detection, and key phrase extraction in multiple languages
By Microsoft Azure
Updated 3 weeks ago
Microsoft Face
An AI service from Microsoft Azure that analyzes faces in images.
By Microsoft Azure
Updated 3 weeks ago
Microsoft Computer Vision
An AI service from Microsoft Azure that analyzes content in images
By Microsoft Azure
Updated 3 weeks ago
Microsoft Content Moderator
An AI service from Microsoft Azure that detects unwanted content
By Microsoft Azure
Updated 3 weeks ago