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API Chief

All in One Solution for Best API's.

QR Code
Best QR code Generator API. Easily generate QR Codes from text or URLs with a simple GET request. Receive QR code images as responses, perfect for embedding into websites, printing on marketing materials, or sharing digitally. Streamline your QR code generation process with our convenient and efficient API.
By API Chief
Updated 3 days ago
Jokes API
With a massive collection of jokes at your fingertips, Jokes API specializes in delivering dad jokes, funny jokes, and dark humor jokes straight from the internet. Whether you're looking for something offbeat or distinctive, our extensive collection ensures you'll find humor that pushes the boundaries.
By API Chief
Updated 3 days ago
Unit Converter
Simplify your unit conversions with our powerful API that brings an extensive range of measurement conversions together in one place. Seamlessly switch between various units, including length, weight, temperature, volume, time, pressure, and energy, all with just one API call.
By API Chief
Updated 3 days ago
The Animals API provides concise information on various animals, including data such as their average speed, color, conservation status, countries found, diet, family, gestation period, habitat, height, lifespan, offspring per birth, predators, social structure, top speed, and weight.
By API Chief
Updated 3 days ago
Retrieve information on all available plane models. This API provides details on at least 5 planes that match the specified parameters.
By API Chief
Updated 3 days ago
Riddle API
RiddleAPI provides endpoints to fetch random riddles or a list of riddles with their answers.
By API Chief
Updated 3 days ago
Astronaut API
This API retrieves information about astronauts currently in space.
By API Chief
Updated 5 days ago
Random User
Generate fake random user data such as username, name, email, address and much more for placeholders or application testing.
By API Chief
Updated 2 weeks ago
Lorem Ipsum Generator
Generate Lorem Ipsum filler text you need for your design and layout purposes. With customizable options for length and formatting, you can generate Lorem Ipsum text tailored to your specific requirements. Say goodbye to the hassle of manually copying and pasting Lorem Ipsum and hello to seamless integration with our API. Streamline your design workflow and achieve polished results in no time with the Lorem Ipsum Generator API.
By API Chief
Updated 2 weeks ago
IP Address Finder
Get country, region, city, zip, latitude, longitude and much more effortlessly with our API. Instantly access comprehensive IP address details to enhance your applications with precise geolocation data. Elevate user experiences and geo-target content seamlessly!
By API Chief
Updated 2 weeks ago
The Country API provides information about countries worldwide. It offers endpoints for accessing data such as country names, ISO codes, population, area, currency, time zones, languages spoken, and other relevant demographic and geographic details. Developers can integrate this API into their applications to retrieve accurate and up-to-date information about countries, facilitating tasks such as localization, demographic analysis, and data visualization.
By API Chief
Updated 2 weeks ago
Random Number
Generate Random Number. Optionally, Generate random numbers within a specified range by providing optional query parameters minimum and maximum.
By API Chief
Updated 2 weeks ago
Random Alphabet
Generate random alphabet
By API Chief
Updated 2 weeks ago
Video Games Info API
Our API provides the best Video Games Recommendations and allows you to search Video games by genre.
By API Chief
Updated 2 weeks ago
Football Players API
Football Players API offers comprehensive player information from a vast database of football stars. You can fetch a random player, search for players by name or nationality, and discover players from specific national teams.
By API Chief
Updated 2 weeks ago
Quote of the Day API
Get quotes from a collection of massive 75000 quotes! The Quote of the Day API offers motivational content, perfect for any app. It includes authors and genres, making it easy to engage users with inspiring messages.
By API Chief
Updated 2 weeks ago
Crypto Value API
Get Real Time Cryptocurrency Value
By API Chief
Updated 2 weeks ago
The Cars API provides comprehensive vehicle data, delivering detailed information on a wide range of car attributes. This API returns structured JSON responses that include specifications for vehicle dimensions, engine details, fuel economy, and identification features.
By API Chief
Updated 2 weeks ago
World Tourist Attractions API
World Tourist Attractions API provides information about various tourist attractions and landmarks from around the world.
By API Chief
Updated 3 weeks ago
IP Anonymizer
The Secure IP Anonymizer API offers a robust solution for anonymizing IP addresses using the highly secure hashing algorithm.
By API Chief
Updated 4 weeks ago