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Response objects by source

asin Amazon ID
country source country
category product category
main_category category
brand brand of product
reviews contains rating and count
review_rating 4.7 of 5
review_count # of reviews
seller_type amazon, merchant, FBA
bsr best seller rank
title product title
bbx_price buybox price
currency local currency
shipping shipping cost
price price
buybox_owner Buybox seller
no_sellers # of all offers available
is_available if in stock
on_amazon_since date first available at Amazon
bullet_text bullets with product specs on Amazon
description_text product description on Amazon
buybox_owner_id buybox seller ID
price_avg average price of all offers
price_max max price of all offers
price_min min price of all offers
offers_count # of fetched offers
price price (excl. shipping)
currency local currency
condition new, old
shop_id shop ID
shop_name shop name
shop_url shop URL
shop_type standalone-shop (if amazon), marketplace-shop
marketplace_name value ‘Amazon’
shop_review_rating shop rating
shop_review_count # of shop reviews
id google Shopping ID
name offer title
brand_name name of brand
description offer description
url offer URL
review_rating 4.7 of 5
review_count # of reviews
price_avg average price of all scraped offers
price_max max price of all offers
price_min min price of all offers
offer_count # of offers
shop_name seller name
shop_url shop URL of seller
shop_review_rating 4.7 of 5
shop_review_count # of reviews
currency local currency
price offer price excl. shipping cost
shipping shipping cost
total total price = price + shipping
id idealo ID
name offer title
url offer URL
review_rating 100% or 5 out of 5 stars
review_count # of reviews
categories main- and sub-categories
category_ids main- and sub-category Ids
available_since since when product is available
last_updated all prices are rechecked and updated by Idealo at last_updated time.
price_avg price average across offers (total price) = “sum_of_total_price_in_offers / nr_of_offers” . Total price includes shipping
price_max max price of all offers
price_min min price of all offers
available_offers_count number of all offers
offers_count number of shown offers (15 per page max)
OFFERS -> shop_name seller name
shop_url URL of shop
shop_type marketplace-shop = merchant on Amazon or Ebay. standalone-shop = regular shop with own website
marketplace_name value ‘Idealo’
shop_review_rating shop rating in % (e.g. 3.5 stars = 70%)
shop_review_count number of reviews for this shop
position first offer of the 15 offers on the first page
currency local currency
price price excl. shipping cost
shipping shipping cost
total total price = price + shipping
free_return e.g. “Rücksendung 14 Tage kostenfrei”
voucher If prices have vouchers, discounted price is listed and marked with ‘Preis inkl. Gutschein’
availability_code green, orange, red, grey - meaning how quickly product can be delivered
availability_text more descriptive availability, e.g. ‘3-5 Werktage’
direct_sale offer can be purchased on idealo
id idealo ID
name offer title
url offer URL
review_rating 100% or 5 out of 5 stars
review_count # of reviews
categories main- and sub-categories
id ebay ID
name offer title
url offer URL
avg_price [min_price + max_price] / 2 (if there is price range listed)
price price excl. shipping cost
shipping shipping cost
currency local currency
review_count # of reviews
review_rating 100% or 5 out of 5 stars
BILLIGER parameter description
brand Name of manufacturer
brand_id Manufacturer ID
category Name of category that product was assigned to
category_id ID of category
description Description of the product
ean EAN of the product, or null if no EAN is present
image_url_large URL of product image (large version)
image_url_small URL of product image (small version)
max_price Price (excluding shipping costs) of most expensive offer assigned to this product
min_price Price (excluding shipping costs ) of cheapest offer assigned to this product
name Product name (=title)
offer_count Number of offers assigned to this product
product_id Product ID
product_url URL for this product’s details at
relevance Relevance of the product. This is calculated from recent clickouts for offers assigned to this product. A value of 0.0 means that there haven’t been any recent clickouts.
test_count Number of professional test reviews available for this product
test_rating Average rating of professional test reviews for this product
type Type of document. “product” for products
userreview_count Number of product reviews by users available for this product
userreview_rating Average rating of this product’s user reviews by users
datasheet_available true if data sheet is available for this product
payment_methods All payment methods of offers associated to this product
has_image true if the product has an image, otherwise false
energy_efficiency_scale Energy efficiency scale for product. null if no scale is available.
energy_efficiency_class Energy Efficiency class of this product. null of no info available.
legal_fields Object containing mandatory legal information for EU and non-EU labels in sub-objects eu_labels and non_eu_labels.
asin Amazon Standard Identification Number
gtin Global Trade Item Number
mpnr Manufacturer Product Number (MPN)
pzn Pharmazentralnummer (mainly for medical products)
name Offer name (=title)
description Text describing offer
clickout_link URL that redirects to shop through billing module
offer_id Offer ID
shop Name of shop providing this this offer
shop_id Shop ID
shop_logo_url URL of shop logo image
article_id Article ID given from the shop
shop_userreview_count Number of shop reviews by users available for shop
shop_userreview_rating Average rating of shop reviews by users
mobile_optimized true if shop website is optimized for smartphones
product_id ID of the product that this offer was assigned to or null if the offer is not associated with a product
brand_id Manufacturer ID
brand Name of the manufacturer
category Name of the category of the offer
category_id ID of the category of the offer
relevance Relevance of the offer. This is calculated from recent shop clickouts. A value of 0.0 means that there haven’t been any recent clickouts.
image_url URL of small offer image
image_url_large URL of large offer image
promo_text Promotion text for this offer (if delivered by the shop)
voucher_text Voucher text for this offer (if voucher is delivered by shop)
price Price without shipping costs in Euros
total_price Price including shipping costs in Euros
price_per_unit Base price as provided by Store
old_price “strike price” in Euros
shipping_costs Shipping costs in Euros (null if no shipping costs have been provided by shop)
availability_code Availability of offer: (green = up to 3 days, yellow = up to 14 days, red = more than 14 days, grey = no information available)
payment_methods Available payment methods for this shop
availability_text Availability text as provided by shop
type Type of document. “offer” for offers
has_image true if offer has a picture, otherwise false
legal_fields Object containing mandatory legal information for EU and non-EU labels in sub-objects eu_labels and non_eu_labels.
asin Amazon Standard Identification Number
gtin Global Trade Item Number
mpnr Manufacturer Product Number (MPN)
pzn Pharmazentralnummer (mainly for medical products)
name Offer name (=title)
description Text describing offer