Unit Converter

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ANY to ANY conversion at runtime


You can use this API to do ANY to ANY unit of measure conversions or integrate a specific conversion into your application.

Get quantities

You can query the Quantities endpoint at runtime to select a quantity to do a conversion for:

GET https://unit-converter2.p.rapidapi.com/Quantities

Don’t forget to add the x-rapidapi-host: unit-converter2.p.rapidapi.com header and your x-rapidapi-key header

Get units

Once you selected a quantity you can list the available units of measure for that quantity:

GET https://unit-converter2.p.rapidapi.com/Quantities/{quantity}/Units

substituting {quantity} with the desired quantity and adding the x-rapidapi-host and x-rapidapi-key headers.

Do the actual conversion

Then you are ready to do the actual conversion:

GET https://unit-converter2.p.rapidapi.com/Quantities/{quantity}?from={from}&to={to}&value={value}

where {quantity} is the desired quantity, {from} is the unit of measure to convert from, {to} is the unit of measure to convert to and {value} is the value you want to convert.
Again add the x-rapidapi-host and x-rapidapi-key headers.