Botometer Pro

Por Observatory on Social Media | Atualizado 17 days ago | Social

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How do I find Access_token_secret

Rapid account: Bengjones
3 years ago

Hi all

With my Twitter developer account, I was provided with three credentials, which I think correspond with consumer key, consumer secret, and access_token (was called ‘bearer key’) for the purposes of input into botometer.

However, I have four keys to input as I need to input the ‘access key input’. Maybe I am overlooking something simple. Any ideas?


Rapid account: O So Me
OSoMe Commented 3 years ago

Currently, Botometer only support V1 API of Twitter. Please make sure your Twitter app has v1 access. As for the Access Token and Secret, in my case, I can generate them after I created the app.

– Botometer Team

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