Temp Mail

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How create mail

Rapid account: Azanir
לפני 5 שנים

How create mail box whith domains list? im get list adn ? in Api can`t find

Rapid account: Deleted
[deleted] Commented לפני 5 שנים

Not work, string before @ or complete string email …

Rapid account: Allegiontest
allegiontest Commented לפני 5 שנים

generate an md5 from the email string, there are online tools for that

Rapid account: Azanir
azanir Commented לפני 5 שנים

Hm? where im get md5 ? for my email?

Rapid account: Allegiontest
allegiontest Commented לפני 5 שנים

Just send an email to any address, the address must have one of the domains.

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