Football Manager API

Por VaughnDev | Atualizado месяц назад | Gaming

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napoli is returning empty list

Rapid account: Toscigj 2 Kh
месяц назад

Some clubs are returning empty list but checking shortName endpoint they are correctly.
For example Napoli

Rapid account: Vaughn Dev
VaughnDev Commented месяц назад

I have fixed this - all clubs from the clubs/list endpoint should now be correct again.

Rapid account: Vaughn Dev
VaughnDev Commented месяц назад

Thank you for pointing this out! This is due to a discrepancy in the data where some club names have changed. I will look to make all club names consistent in the future. The endpoint to find players of Napoli is ‘Parthenope’.
In the meantime, you can always look up a player’s “club” property to find what the endpoint should look. For example, you could look up Victor Osimhen and find that his club is listed as “Parthenope”.

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