Airbnb Market Maker

Por Airbtics | Atualizado 2 months ago | Travel

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Can we pass amenities, number of bathrooms, or any other fields?

Rapid account: Jae Ij 1 P AN Hy E
3 years ago

We need more specific comp set. For instance, one of my listings has a pool and in our market, there’s a pricing gap between listings with / without pool.

Rapid account: Jae Ij 1 P AN Hy E
jae-ij1pANHyE Commented 3 years ago

We have 50+ features (like whether a listing has a pool, number of listings owned by the host, etc) and we are happy to add them if you need them. Contact us by commenting here or email us at "" to discuss about your API needs further.

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