
Por Api Dojo | Atualizado 15 days ago | Food

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403 forbidden error

Rapid account: Asindu
4 years ago

GET https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/https://yummly2.p.rapidapi.com/feeds/search?FAT_KCALMax=1000&maxTotalTimeInSeconds=7200&allowedAttribute=diet-lacto-vegetarian%2Cdiet-low-fodmap&q=chicken+soup&start=0&maxResult=18 403 (Forbidden)
index.js:27 Error: Request failed with status code 403
at createError (createError.js:16)
at settle (settle.js:17)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleLoad (xhr.js:61)

this error happens

Rapid account: Abdulsamadshah
abdulsamadshah Commented 2 years ago

i am creating a stock demo application but i am running this application then my error
Unexpected response code 400 for https://latest-stock-price.p.rapidapi.com/price

Rapid account: Burcico
burcico Commented 4 years ago

Hello, Postman returned 400 BAD_REQUEST despite correct values of x-rapidapi-host & x-rapidapi-key. Required params -limit & start are also sent via Params. The tested endpoint is https://yummly2.p.rapidapi.com/feeds/list?limit=18&start=0

Can you please help to fix the issue?

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 4 years ago

Hello, you better use httpclient such as : https://www.postman.com/ to test every RESTful APIs. I test and everything works fine via Postman client.

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