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feeds/search - 403 - Forbidden ( Client Error)

Rapid account: Gabox 29
a year ago

I trying to make some requests in the feeds/search endpoint, but is giving me a 403 - Forbidden ( Client Error ), anytime I use a number greater than 500 in the parameter < start >.

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented a year ago


"You said that this API reproduces public data of Yummly, however the API provide certain information not present in public web url, for example the nutrition data of the recipes."
Please provide some links and screenshots as clue for the issue. I will forward the lack of public data to our IT team for review.

"And about the scrolling part, it just loads automatically more recipes each time I scroll time down. I don’t know in advance if it has a cap after some loading a given number of times.
So do you know if there is any other way to tackle this problem or at least when it can be solved?"
As I mentioned, it is controlled on the server side so we have nothing to deal with it. You may apply optional parameters to reduce the total records and have more chance to access more recipes in each category for example. In addition, I believe you are scraping for data, don’t you? The API is intended to work with application having actual user interface, and no one scroll the page down that large range (~20 pages) in real world. They intend to use the search feature (Ex : …/feeds/search?q=chicken soup). Our API may help you to get the data easier, and the official developers always want to protect their data from scraper like you.


Rapid account: Gabox 29
Gabox29 Commented a year ago

Hi thanks for your response,

You said that this API reproduces public data of Yummly, however the API provide certain information not present in public web url, for example the nutrition data of the recipes.

And about the scrolling part, it just loads automatically more recipes each time I scroll time down. I don’t know in advance if it has a cap after some loading a given number of times.

So do you know if there is any other way to tackle this problem or at least when it can be solved?

Thanks in advance

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented a year ago


I am sorry for this inconvenience. This API reproduces PUBLIC data and features of Yummly. You may try and experience yummly.com whether or not you can scroll the page over that limitation. The official developers of Yummly must set the limitation on the server side to protect their data from scrawler.


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