Email Boost Pro

Por Life Coach Ray | Atualizado 2달 전 | Email

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Email Validation API

Welcome to the Email Validation API, a lightweight and efficient solution for sending validation emails to user-provided email addresses. This simple yet powerful Node.js application leverages the Express framework and Nodemailer library to facilitate seamless communication between your front-end and server, ensuring a smooth user experience.


  • User-Friendly Interface: The API provides an intuitive interface that allows users to submit their email addresses for validation.
  • Secure Authentication: Utilizes environment variables to store email credentials securely, ensuring sensitive information remains confidential.
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS): CORS is handled with ease, enabling seamless communication between different origins.
  • Static File Hosting: Serves static files from the ‘public’ directory, making integration with your front-end hassle-free.
  • Error Handling: Robust error handling guarantees smooth operation and graceful responses even in the face of unforeseen issues.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Install the required dependencies using npm install.


  1. Update the .env file with your Gmail credentials:
  2. Start the server:

    node app.js
  3. Access the API via your front-end application by sending a POST request to /send-validation-email with a JSON payload containing the email address.

API Endpoint

POST /send-validation-email

Sends a validation email to the provided email address.

  • Request Body:

        "email": ""
  • Response (Success):

        "message": "Email sent successfully"
  • Response (Error):

        "error": "Failed to send email"


Contributions and suggestions are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests to enhance the functionality or improve the documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

With the Email Validation API, you can seamlessly integrate email validation into your applications, providing your users with a reliable and secure method to verify their email addresses. Enjoy the simplicity and power of this solution as you enhance your user experience and streamline your validation processes.

Seguidores: 1
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API Creator:
Rapid account: Life Coach Ray
Life Coach Ray
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Avaliação: 5 - Votos: 1