Fraud Prevention Web Service

Por Chris Lim | Atualizado 2 months ago | Commerce
Health Check


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Rapid account: Timothyjones 5925
a year ago

My score has not been decent EQ 581, TU 569 EX 601. I had a card list that was from a family member and I was the AU—it had a $5700,00 limit and was a 6 years old card. Last month, I got alerts from FICO that the card has been closed by CITI, the issuer for lack of activity-----my scores PLUNGED……EQ went -24 TU went -17 and EX -15. I do have a car loan about 2.5 years into a 5 years’ term. I had a previous late payment on my first student loan servicer. I applied for a credit card earlier last but was not approved due to my indecent credit report. I asked a question: what should I do to get a decent credit score? And about 5 members from this site advised me to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for quick credit repair, which I did according to their advice. To my greatest surprise PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST are really the best when it comes to credit repair. Within 6 days they fixed my credit report and gave me an Excellent credit score of EQ 809, TU 811 EX 804. I’ve been approved of the AMEX BCP $14,700 limit. This might be my most exciting approval to date. I applied for a Blue Cash Preferred Card through Amex. Got an instant approval without a hard pull with a CL of $14,700. By far my highest limit approval and CL in general to date. Very excited. BIG THANKS to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me out. Hit them up on: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or CALL +1 (323) 406 1225.

Rapid account: Johndawson 9630
johndawson9630 Commented a year ago

My situation isn’t the best nor the worst either. Being a long time lurker and finally having gotten to a place I am able to come to terms with my credit situation and begin to do the work. Going through a divorce and then the pandemic was rough. The transmission in my car went out. I went without a car for as long as possible, before financing a car. My goal is to qualify for a mortgage. But my credit was EQ: 516, TU: 613, EX: 539. I had 2 inquiries on EQ, TU:5. There is an inquiry on my TU that I don’t recognize from synchrony. Fyzical Lakewood Ranch Medical Debt $85, Banfield Pet Hospital $1,326 purchased by I.C. system. I was unsure of what my next steps should be, until I read some excellent reviews about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on this forum. I hooked up to them immediately by email and explained my situation to them. They accepted my offer by giving me an excellent credit score of EQ: 815, TU: 811, EX: 804. Within 6 days. They also gave me a clean credit report by removing all inquiries and medical debts. I sincerely love their service. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST are the greatest when it comes to credit repair. You can get them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (872) 265 2951. THANKS.

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