NLP Text Processor Categorizer and Analyzer

Por Christer Fredrickson | Atualizado 2 months ago | Text Analysis
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RAKE: Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction Algorithm

The most basic and initial step for analysis of natural language processing is keyword extraction as without keyword extraction it will be not possible to move any step further. As we know that in NLP, we get many algorithms that can help us in the extraction of keyword for our text data, but do we know the most frequently used algorithms?

What is the RAKE Algorithm?

Rake also known as Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction is a keyword extraction algorithm that is extremely efficient which operates on individual documents to enable an application to the dynamic collection, it can also be applied on the new domains very easily and also very effective in handling multiple types of documents, especially the type of text which follows specific grammar conventions.

Rake is based on the observations that keywords frequently contain multiple words with standard punctuation or stop words or we can say functioning words like ‘and’, ‘of’, ‘the’, etc with minimum lexical meaning. Stop words are typically dropped within all the informational systems and also not included in various text analyses as they are considered to be meaningless. Words that are considered to carry a meaning related to the text are described as the content bearing and are called as content words.