Chess StockFish 16 API

Por cinnamon17 | Atualizado vor einem Monat | Gaming

9.2 / 10



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Not much depth

Rapid account: Jcfdewinter
vor einem Jahr
Would be nicer if the depth could be adjusted, and if other output could be provided, e.g. candidate moves
Rapid account: Johnminhhuy
johnminhhuy Commented vor einem Monat

Does it give the best move as white or black?

Rapid account: Cinnamon 17
cinnamon17 Commented vor einem Jahr

Hello, I have set the depth to a constant value mainly to prevent misuse. Do you have any suggestions? I believe a depth of 12 would be a good choice, considering both performance and prediction accuracy. As for the candidate moves, yes, it can be a good addition. I will definitely include it in the next release.

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