
Por davethebeast | Atualizado 19 дней назад | Social

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Followings Endpoint Limited Response

Rapid account: Christian Sho VD Qi YQ
2 месяца назад

It seems like when calling the followings endpoint that the max amount of users returned is limited by twitter.

For example, looking at the following page for Elon:

You can only actually see 100 or so users and have no option to load more. Is this a limitation you can overcome with your API?

Rapid account: Christian Sho VD Qi YQ
christian-shoVDQiYQ Commented месяц назад

Hey Dave, thanks for the response. I’m already paying for the pro plan actually. I was wondering if you could give an example of how the cursor/pagination works? I can’t seem to load additional pages for “GET following”. Could you give an example with Elon for example? Thanks! @davethebeast

Rapid account: Davethebeast
davethebeast Commented 2 месяца назад

Yes, our API bypasses the “GET followers” and “GET following” limits, Feel free to explore our free plan.

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