Free-to-Play Games Database

Por Digiwalls Media | Atualizado 6 days ago | Gaming

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Rapid account: Cpinopacheco 64
2 years ago

Hello team, I was looking for a way to consult the api by the title of the game to search for 1 in specific and I have not been able to. Perhaps it would be good to add a new endpoint to perform a search by the name of the game.

Rapid account: Radhifazlinurfahriza 9 B Ep 52 R 626 P
radhifazlinurfahriza-9bEp52r626p Commented 2 years ago

i think he mean an endpoint to perform a search based on a text… cause i need it too

Rapid account: Digiwalls
digiwalls Commented 2 years ago

Hi There!

You mean to get the game info via slug like “world_of_tanks” instead of an id number? That works? Or an endpoint to perform a search and get multiple results based on a text? Can you explain what is exactly your main goal? Feel free to send more details to

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