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Https issue

Rapid account: Sachintechwob
एक वर्ष पहले

I have the question… this api works great in iOS and Web but in Android the http do not play… is there a way to make them https so Android users can also enjoy this API

Rapid account: Sachintechwob
Sachintechwob Commented एक वर्ष पहले

I got this but how can i write java code in javascript . in your tutorial it is java code so it will not work in javascript

Rapid account: Dpthapaliya 19
dpthapaliya19 Commented एक वर्ष पहले

Dear Sachin, We’ve already created a help tutorials. Please check Tutorials tab next to About or Previous to this tab. Thank you

Rapid account: Sachintechwob
Sachintechwob Commented एक वर्ष पहले

I am using goodbarber platform for creating application for Android and IOS in which I have use Javascript and Php language only, with the help of javascript and php I hit your api and get response and append this details and play radio urls . This urls working in IOS but not working for Android app due to this my users can’t enjoy this features. Due to this reason I need https url for radio url so how can i achive this for my project.

Rapid account: Dpthapaliya 19
dpthapaliya19 Commented एक वर्ष पहले

Please check our tutorials. Thanks

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