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Por API Factory | Atualizado 2 months ago | Communication

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Correct way to get 'group_id'

Rapid account: Guiaumarcelino
3 months ago


Firstly, thank you for sharing such a valuable API.
I want to ask the correct way to collect a group_id.

In my tests in a controlled group, it work perfectly when I manually get a ID like 18 digit number after using ‘Get all Contacts & Groups’ endpoint,
But when I tryed the same process in the real gruoup that i wanted to use this API for, i’ve got an 24 digit ID like with an “-” in the middle, and then, i’ve got error when tried to use it in ‘Group - Get members’ endpoint.

So, how can I use it correctly?

Rapid account: Guiaumarcelino
guiaumarcelino Commented 9 days ago

HI team @finestoreuk
I’m facing the same problem again.

When using a goup 24 digit ID that contains a “-” , it’s giving failed to send message.

Can you check once again?

Rapid account: Guiaumarcelino
guiaumarcelino Commented 3 months ago

It Works!

Thank you

Rapid account: Finestoreuk
finestoreuk Commented 3 months ago

Hi there Marcelino,

Can you please try again? We have just done a little change and it should work now.

For the groups with a hyphen in the id, you should inform the whole string as the group id.

Please let me know if you need further help.

Kind regards

Mike, API Factory

Rapid account: Finestoreuk
finestoreuk Commented 3 months ago

Hello there guiaumarcelino,

Thanks for your comments. I’m glad to help clarifying your questions.

I will look into it and let you know later today through here.

Please bear with me while I investigate.

Kind regards

API Factory

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