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MatchSchedulesTop issue

Rapid account: Poznavach
2 महीने पहले

When you test in rapidapi website the endpoint results are fine, however on my server when I download the json file scores and other data are missing. I tested with today’s top matches schedule.

Rapid account: Hoseaste
hoseaste Commented एक महीने पहले

Hi, I am currently experiencing something similar. May I ask if you are caching the data on redis? I realised when I cached the data, it doesn’t work but once I take it out, it is fine.

Rapid account: Fluis Lacasse
fluis.lacasse Commented 2 महीने पहले

We’re sorry for this issue. Since we heard about it our team are addressing this issue affecting the matches endpoint and it’s almost done.

Thanks for your patience.

Rapid account: Qnetfootball
qnetfootball Commented 2 महीने पहले

Same here, no relevant info at all today.

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