Text Analysis

Por Bhavya Gaur | Atualizado 5 दिन पहले | Text Analysis

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API Unreachable?

Rapid account: Mikenyc
3 वर्ष पहले

Any thoughts on why I’m getting this message?

{2 items
"messages":“The API is unreachable, please contact the API provider”
“info”:“Your Client (working) —> Gateway (working) —> API (not working)”



Rapid account: Kilopointsapp
Kilopointsapp Commented एक वर्ष पहले

We are facing this issue when we sync product :- {“messages”:“The API is unreachable, please contact the API provider”, “info”: “Your Client (working) —> Gateway (working) —> API (not working)”}

Rapid account: Gaurmanojkumar 530
gaurmanojkumar530 Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

Sorry for the late reply. (Please create a new or root comment instead of sub-comments.
This is because RapidAPI only notifies me of root comments)

I believe the endpoint is up and running.
We have a self healing infrastructure (based on kubernetes).
It might take some time to detect and correct those errors.

Also whenever you get a 504 error it means that our service is down.
Any other error means something went wrong on RapidAPI’s end or your end.

Incase of a 504 error:
retry using exponential backoff.
retry after 30s, 1m, 2m, 4m, 4m, 4m …
(You don’t need to go longer than 4 minutes)
This is necessary to help our infrastructure heal fast.

Rapid account: Lifedeathbothsame B 9 VDFW Kf Fqi
lifedeathbothsame-b9VDFWKfFqi Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

Same is happening with me? any idea why?

Rapid account: Gaurmanojkumar 530
gaurmanojkumar530 Commented 3 वर्ष पहले

Hi Mike,

We have also fixed website extraction endpoint. You may confirm this. Please feel free to contact us anytime.
Rapid account: Gaurmanojkumar 530
gaurmanojkumar530 Commented 3 वर्ष पहले

Hi Mike,

We have identified and fixed the issue. All endpoints except for website extraction are now working. We will require a little more time to fix the website extraction endpoint. Thanks for reporting the issue. In the mean time while we work on the fix for website extraction do you have any more queries?


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