Por Capoom | Atualizado 25 days ago | Data

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You can use get_model_names endpoint to get all the models we currently offer, the models are categorized by “Structure” and “Component”.

After choosing the model you want to create you can use get_attributes endpoint to get all of the attributes of that model including its components. These attributes are “keywords” and “parameters”. You can use these attributes to have more control over the end result. Keywords consist of preset parameter values, materials used for the respective part and asset selections while parameters are the specific parameters of procedural assets in our pipeline.

After deciding the physical attributes of the model you want to create you can use “create_structure” and “create_component” endpoints for structures and components respectively. In the example below we are requesting a totally randomized “House” structure with simple window components.

“name”: “House”,
“keywords”: {
“Window”: [“simple”]

You can pass in more generalized attributes by using the wildcard “*” as the key, in the example below we will request a large “House” structure with all large components.

“name”: “House”,
"*": [“large”]

Attributes that are smaller in scope override more generalized attributes. In the example below we will use this behaviour to create more specific types of structures and components. We will request a “House” structure that is generally small but has large windows.

“name”: “House”,
"*": [“small”],
“Window”: [“large”]

With specific parameters you can have control over the smallest details of the structure and/or component you want to create. In the example below we will create a Window component with the specific dimensions we are looking for.

“name”: “Window”,
“params”: {
“window_outer_frame_gen/frame_width”: 3,
“window_outer_frame_gen/frame_height”: 1,

Additionally, you can request the texture resolution that you desire by using the “texture_resolution” option on create_structure and create_component endpoint. Available options are 1024, 2048, 4096

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