Geoapify Platform

Por KEPTAGO LTD | Atualizado 2ヶ月前 | Mapping

8.8 / 10



Nível de serviço


Health Check


Seguidores: 1
Site do produto Termos de uso
API Creator:
Rapid account: KEPTAGO LTD
Efetuar login para classificar API
Avaliação: 5 - Votos: 1


Documentation and examples

Please check:

API description and usage scenarios:

Frequently asked questions

Why do I need a separate Geoapify API key?

There are two ways to subscribe to our APIs on RapidAPI:

  • subscribe to the individual APIs (Maps, Geocoding, Routing, …) with the pay-as-you-go model. This way you only need RapidAPI key. Usage will be metered and billed by RapidAPI.
  • subscribe to a free or prepaid Geoapify API package, get Geoapify API key and use it with RapidAPI or our official endpoints.
    The first option is easier to integrate, flexible and can also be cheaper (depending on what and how you use).
    The second option has predictable flat monthly pricing and additional security settings (IP, referer or domain name whitelisting). Plus you won’t be blocked or charged extra in case of occasional usage spikes that go over your quota. It is mainly listed on RapidAPI for convenience, as many teams and organizations prefer to manage their API stack in one place.

How to obtain and use the Geoapify API key?

Getting Geoapify API key

  • Open and sign-in into
  • Create a new or open existing project
  • Create new or take one of existing Geoapify API keys
    When calling API endpoint, provide the Geoapify API key as “apiKey” parameter.

How to use Geoapify RapidAPI endpoints with MapboxGL/OpenLayers/Leaflet, QGIS or other software?

To authorize 3rd party library or software requests to RapidAPI, you have two options:

  • More secure, but not always possible: inject “x-rapidapi-key” header into each request issued by it (example)
  • Add the “&rapidapi-key=YOUR-RAPIDAPI-KEY-HERE” to the end of the URL