
Por Justin | Atualizado 25일 전 | Health and Fitness

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API limit

Rapid account: Michalekjosef 1
한 달 전

How can you change the exercises limit without letting users know prior? Unbelievable.

I would understand the reasoning behind it, I get that it might cause big loads, but there is no possibility to search by start of the word, making this API completely useless.

Rapid account: Justin W Fns XH T 6
justin-WFnsXH_t6 Commented 한 달 전

I am able to query the /exercises endpoint without issue. I am receiving a 200 response code with 10 items by default. If I change the query param limit to 101 I am able to receive 101 exercise objects. The API is functioning as designed without errors.

Rapid account: Peterhashem
peterhashem Commented 한 달 전

same problem here! I can’t use my search functionality because exercises endpoint is down! Will this be fixed anytime soon?!

Rapid account: Ivanrobert
ivanrobert Commented 한 달 전

Same, my app is down noice

Rapid account: Jakkk
jakkk Commented 한 달 전

same problem here!

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