
Por Lemur Engine | Atualizado il y a un mois | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

8.8 / 10



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You can find more information on this api and the Lemur Engine here: https://docs.lemurengine.com/


You can demo the bot here: https://lemurengine.com/


If you want to start a new conversation between a client and bot just send “start a new conversation” in the message


You can create bots and talk to them using this API.
You can give your bot properties such as a personalty and favourite subjects.
You can create knowledge categories to teach your bot new information and responses.
You group these categories into category groups and link them to your bot.

When you create your bot it will add 3 bot properties

  • name - the name of your bot (copied from the bot title)
  • personalty - a random personality for your bot
  • talkabout - two randoms subjects that your bot will like to talk about

It will also link your bot to 22 default category groups so you can start talking immediately.

Quick Start

Create a bot

Create a bot by sending a POST request to the /bots endpoint with the following payload

    "title": "My Bot",
    "summary": "This is a demo bot",
    "description": "This is a demo bot that has been created by RapidApi",
    "default_response": "Sorry I don't understand."

You will receive a response like the following which contains the unique slug string to identify your bot…

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "slug": "my-bot",
        "title": "My Bot",
        "summary": "This is a demo bot",
        "description": "This is a demo bot that has been created by RapidApi",
        "default_response": "Sorry I don't understand.",
        "image": "https://api.dicebear.com/6.x/personas/svg?seed=B4ulEGv5vmbNlh3J8lJA&size=128",
        "locked": false,
        "created_at": "2023-04-13T19:49:39.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-04-13T19:49:39.000000Z"
    "message": "Bot saved successfully"

Create a client

Create a client by sending an empty POST request to the /clients endpoint


Or if you want to specify your own identifier for your client you can send a post body

  "slug": "123-456-789-0"

You will receive a response like the following which contains the unique slug string to indentify your client…

"success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "slug": "123-456-789-0",
        "is_banned": false,
        "image": "https://api.dicebear.com/6.x/personas/svg?seed=B4ulEGv5vmbNlh3J8lJA&size=128",
        "created_at": "2023-04-19T14:18:00.664Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-04-19T14:18:00.664Z"
    "message": "Client saved successfully"

Talk to your bot

Now your client can talk to your bot… by sending a POST request to the /chat endpoint.
The payload will include the bot and clients slugs and the message

    "bot": "my-bot",
    "client": "123-456-789-0",
    "message": "hello"

You will receive a response like the following which contains the unique slug string to indentify your client…

"success": true,
    "data": {
        "conversation": {
        "id": 1,
        "input": "Hello",
        "output": "Goodbye",
        "topic": ""
    "bot": {
        "id": 1,
        "slug": "my-bot",
        "name": "My Bot",
        "image": "https://api.dicebear.com/6.x/personas/svg?seed=dilly&size=128"
    "client": {
        "id": 1,
        "slug": "123-456-789-0",
        "image": "https://api.dicebear.com/6.x/personas/svg?seed=226b72&size=128",
        "is_banned": false
    "features": {},
    "metadata": {
        "version": "9.0.5",
        "date": "2023-04-14T14:50:05.788707Z",
        "duration": 1059
    "message": "Chat successful"
Seguidores: 2
Site do produto Termos de uso
API Creator:
Rapid account: Lemur Engine
Lemur Engine
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Avaliação: 5 - Votos: 1