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External image (Azure blob) seeing as octet stream when type is image!

Rapid account: Ahmedilyas 2022

Hi all.
I am using the API To obtain an image from an external URL.
I get an error back saying:

Result: “{“detail”:“Detected external requested image mimetype \“application/octet-stream\” is invalid. Expected values are: (image/svg+xml, image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif)”}”

However the blob storage (Azure) where I am uploading the image to - it’s content type is set to image/png and I can see it serve correctly in the browser.

What can be done about this? How can I provide an external URL (hosted in Azure blob storage) to the API so it can render the image?

Rapid account: Kubasaw
kubasaw Commented 2년 전


I have looked at the error logs on our backend and have some solutions to help you. However, due to the fact that they may contain private data, I am sending additional details in a private message. Take a look at your RapidAPI inbox and let us know if we can help any more.

Kuba Sawulski from LinQR

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