YetAnotherAPI - Image Match Checker Pro

Por Manoj Lk | Atualizado 2 mesi fa | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
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How to make API call

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to call the ImageMatcher Pro API using a curl command:

Step 1: Prepare Your curl Command

  1. Open Terminal: Start by opening your command-line interface (CLI) or terminal.
  2. Prepare the Command: Copy the curl command provided:
curl --request POST \
	--url \
	--header 'X-RapidAPI-Host:' \
	--header 'X-RapidAPI-Key: YOUR_RAPIDAPI_KEY_HERE' \
	--header 'content-type: application/json' \
	--data '{
    "queryImage": "QUERY_IMAGE_URL_HERE",
    "trainImage": "TRAIN_IMAGE_URL_HERE"

Step 2: Replace Placeholder Data

  1. Insert Your API Key: Replace YOUR_RAPIDAPI_KEY_HERE with your actual RapidAPI Key.
  2. Set Image URLs: Replace QUERY_IMAGE_URL_HERE and TRAIN_IMAGE_URL_HERE with the URLs of your query and training images, respectively.

Step 3: Execute the Command

  1. Run the Command: Paste the modified curl command into your terminal and press Enter to execute it.

Step 4: Review the Response

  1. Observe the Output: After a moment, the API response will be displayed in your terminal. It will look something like this:
  "matchId": "unique_match_id",
  "queryImageS3Key": "s3_key_for_query_image",
  "trainImageS3Key": "s3_key_for_train_image",
  "keypointData": {
    "queryImageKeypoints": number_of_keypoints_in_query_image,
    "trainImageKeypoints": number_of_keypoints_in_train_image
  "goodMatches": number_of_good_matches_found,
  "matchStatus": "Match" or "No Match",
  "message": "Image matching process completed successfully."

Step 5: Interpret the Results

  1. Match ID: matchId is a unique identifier for your image comparison request.
  2. S3 Keys: queryImageS3Key and trainImageS3Key are the locations where the images have been stored in the cloud for processing.
  3. Keypoint Data: keypointData shows how many keypoints (interesting points) were detected in each image.
  4. Good Matches: goodMatches indicates how many of those keypoints were considered a good match between the two images.
  5. Match Status: matchStatus tells you whether the images are considered a match based on the API’s analysis.

Tips for Success

  • Check URLs: Ensure the image URLs are correct and publicly accessible.
  • Secure Your API Key: Keep your RapidAPI Key confidential to prevent unauthorized usage.
  • Understand the Limits: Be aware of any rate limits or quotas that apply to your API subscription on RapidAPI.

With these steps, you should be able to successfully call the ImageMatcher Pro API using a curl command and interpret the results to understand how similar two images are.